Friday 12 October 2012

LLangollen Motor Museum 12. 6. 2012

I had wanted to visit the Museum for a while but never got around to it. It was strange in a way because I hadn't long found out that Ted's (in camera club) father used to own it. There were also a few images still in the collection of them both. As soon as I walked in I was a little overwhelmed at what to look at first. I slowly made my way around the collection. Due to the space available I had limited positions to take images from. 

I think the photos above speak for themselves. I knew the names of some of the motors, but not all of them and have no technical knowledge to speak of. If you go to the museum there is information about each car and motorbike.

Link is below

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and, the top picture is my dads little bubble car
