Monday 28 October 2013

Uni M.A. trip to Liverpool - 21.10.2013

We were all given a hand out which had 7 exhibitions in it that we could visit within the allotted time. I had already chosen what would be my 4 if time allowed. Arriving at approx at the Albert Dock we had to be back at this meeting point at 3.30 for the journey back; so with the rain still pouring down we headed up to the Walker Gallery to see David Hockney's ' Early Reflections exhibition, via a coffee stop to re-fuel.

This exhibition is a mixture of work which takes the viewer on a journey through Hockney's early beginnings from 1960 to 1978. I hadn't realised that he was homosexual . Some of the influences take you back to a  time when  being a practising homosexual was illegal and  it was an underworld activity with a language of its own.
There were many influences and techniques that he had used and explored. His obsession with Cliff Richard led Hockney to create a painting, taken from the song entitled 'Living Doll'

When we arrived, there was the added bonus of a small extra charge for an audio tour to take with you as you went around, which I got. In all the exhibitions we visited there was no photography allowed.

The poem above inspired Hockney to create a painting which he then  incorporated words and letters into. Hockney says it draws the viewer back to read what is said.
I had wanted to see this exhibition because having come across his name throughout my studies I wanted to see his work up close and not just as images from the internet. What I took from this is : don't be afraid to experiment and use different techniques and the influences around you to express yourself and enhance your creativity as you never know where it may lead. 

Every man woman is a star 
Martin Parr and Tom Woods 

I hadn't realised, but luckily this photographic exhibition was on in the Walker Gallery and which I wanted to see.On reflection there were only a few of Martin's images that I was drawn to, such as those taken on public transport.which were in black and white, I felt that I identified more with Tom Woods's images.This was due to the fact that he was capturing images that was in his time era and he wanted to take these images before the changes in society came. One image in particular was taken in Ireland which pictures a scene of a hay bale being sold in an auction. I liked this as I have never seen hay sold in this way before. 

Another candid image was of a lady in her 70's drinking a short in the pub. It was the way which she was holding her pinkie up that " made" the image as normally it is associated with drinking tea. As the 80's decade  comes in then Tom's images change to be photographed in colour. I enjoyed this exhibition and will look into Tom 's images more.

I was quite taken by just this detail and colour on the statue outside the Walker Gallery.

3AM  -Wonder,
paranoia and the restless night

After a late lunch we headed across the road to the bluecoat for the next exhibition.
22 artists were involved in this event, all with very individual styles, from film, photography, sculpture etc. I wanted to come and see this as like many I have tendencies to have periods of insomnia and could identify with the theme, I wanted to see others' interpretation on the unusual topic. 

It will be impossible to comment on all I saw at this event so I'll just mention a few. Tom Woods who I had seen earlier was also in this event. Sandra Cinto's ' Night of Hope ' was a beautiful display which was suspended floor to ceiling, she drew on 4 different coloured fabrics a scene of the universe which were coloured grey. Spinning tops were also painted and used. Sorry I couldn't find an image to include.

Fred Tomaselli's  'Portrait of Jim' 

I liked the twist on this image of  legal and illegal drugs used by  the named person Jim and I now look at the night sky very differently! 

I couldn't resist taking an image of the exhibitions stairs, It gives words of what may be felt when awake in the early morning.

This was outside a shop by the Bluecoat Gallery 

I liked the building shape and reflection of the sky in the windows

I liked the design of the building and how, when looked at from another angle, they looked like steps.

These are the seats in the bus station 

In this image I like the image of the chap in the background momentarily lost in his own world.

Autumn starts 

I liked the shop display in John Lewis 

The Albert Dock 

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