Tuesday 24 January 2012

Veg Vision ( 1 0f 4 )

This was to be a scenario where we were to produce images that could be used in food magazines. Each had a wonderful title to accompany them. The other option I could have gone for was to produce images for a fashion magazine. MMMMM! that option to me was like asking a farmer to be an interior designer. No offence meant to either I just needed an example of extreme opposites!

I find that with any assignment that doesn't have many restraints to them, a little hard due to there being so many possibilities. Often they come with other project briefs to complete and time limits. Inspiration and do able ideas are not spontaneous for me, and can become an impatient waiting game. Just like waiting for veg to grow when you have just planted them!

 So I took the initiative and decided to go to the Llangollen Food Festival and try some shots outside of the studio. I got the permission of the stall holders and quite happily started to snap away. I had prepared by writing down a few ideas and had also done some visual research.

I came back and sorted out the wheat from the chaff so to speak! The idea of compiling a collage for all my final work, to show the process I went through to choose the final piece was a great help. I found it much easier to compare the images to each other.

The chosen few

The next stage became a closer way to analyse my images, to be the process of elimination. 

I eventually got the choice down to the images above

I have chosen these 2 because I liked the idea of the dip as an accompaniment.  It was something visually that I hadn’t thought about photographing. I also liked the array of colours and the way in which it was displayed. The other photo I was drawn to because of the way the display had thoughtfully been composed. The colours were varied and didn’t seem to be in block, some also still had the soil attached hence it being organic.

Final image chosen

This chosen photo was slowly drawing me more towards it, the reason being that the other picture although I at first liked it, I realised that not everything was in focus, which made me quickly re-evaluate my choice! Strange, but my gut feeling was also to favour this photo.
 I liked the composition. The use of light shining on the tomatoes and the small glimpse of the kind of string bag it was lying on. It gave off more of a feeling when looking at it, in a strange way maybe a nostalgic feel of memories attached to the different vegetable displayed- like Christmas with the parsnips or summer days with the salad!
 Maybe memories go as far back as childhood with the broccoli. Whatever the reason it does have a certain warm, safe feeling as if to say “you can’t go far wrong with fresh food?”

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