Monday 13 February 2012

Percussive rhythm ( film I made )

Percussive Rhythm 

For this brief we were to capture live action images that were not of any musical instruments. This was then to be made into a visual soundtrack. This also had to be commercially based with our subject matter and be used in such a way as to be able to convey a message to a particular audience.

There were many ideas which I came up with, but found that many had to be ruled out due to restrictions in having to get permission.

The eventual shots I used in the sound track were of gadgets and gizmos and I was going to call it "Appliances" but realised I had used a mixture of items. Having filmed what I wanted the next process was to cut each shot down into a few seconds of visual images. Then I had to make the screen smaller so that they could all be seen flashing in and out when being used together with my sound track. The space we had to use visually was to be 3 lines of 3 which in total made 9 boxes and this also enabled us to be able to view images appearing and disappearing in different places on the screen.

Mmm! Easier to visualise than to describe!

Some of the images and sounds overlapped and I enhanced the sound so that the resulting "tune" was more flowing. With time and patience this was acomplished and the final piece doesn't by any means sound like a piece by Beethoven! I expect the great composer himself would have found this brief a little different to what he was use to. 

Despite everything I enjoyed the process of creating something new and different and I would like to come back to this some time for another try.

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