Friday 3 May 2013

Rogues Gallery Chester 18.3.2013

This event I came to by chance; I didn't know what it was about but was wanting to go and find out.The project ran from 14th to the 24th of March and there were 15 commissioned artworks, some also including short films, and they were in 7 of the areas designated. 
This took place in Chester and each took names from old trades,guilds and shops.There was a mixture for the public to see and and also interact with  if they wished. 
It is becoming a sad fact that over time and with a shift in technology together with outlets that are across England, many shops that are in Chester now are looking abandoned and empty.There have been various attempts to have displayed artists and their project works in other towns and cities and this I have seen in Owestry as an example.

The Hub

Strangely enough, as we got to Chester we found our first stop was at The Hub! This was apparently the start of the trail on the map in the booklet we were given.

Costermonger square - by Harald Smykia

One of the 1st things that we saw when we went in was a table set in squares which was then covered methodicaly in fruit and veg. Later we discovered that it was a chess board and you were able to have a game. Obviously no money was exchanged but there were healthy goodie bags,which could be exchanged for play - time only. 

Storyville - by two Destination language

The upstairs of The Hub was transformed into a living room. All visitors were welcome  and greeted warmly  and offered to sit down if we wished in return for a story and an opportunity to buy some of their possessions. Although there were price tags attached we were encouraged to barter an amount that could be a compromise.

Katherina Radeva and Alister Lownie

Some of the possessions that were for sale. 

I was quite taken by the blue and white colours on this jug and bowl - also there was something about the patterns of the gloves.

We stayed quite a while talking to them both and even had a go at bartering with the prices of some goods. It was a really nice touch, the sharing of the stories behind the items that like all of us know, when trying to part with our own items  - it is the emotions and connection of memories that are attached that can make things hard to part with and put a price on.

The Scriveners

The Scrivener, sits at the typewriter copying out manuscripts which can then be read by the public which are put up in the window to view. As they become tired they become disconnected to the task in hand which becomes effected by having their thought processes becoming amalgamated into the writing.

Heard Words

The  images below are of Heard Words

This, I found, was a piece of technology that I hadn't come across before; the idea was to talk into the mike in the middle of the room and it would print out what you had said. Well yes I did have a go and thought I'd outsmart it so..... I said the longest Welsh railway station.... it reply was "Google" and this reply can be seen in the top middle image. 

The Haberdashery

This is Anoushka sewing the small hole in my coat pocket as I tell her my story of our day in Chester. Thank you, Anoushka, it has made a great difference.

The image above is of other peoples stories that had been told

I couldn't resist taking the above image as I was drawn to the colours in the tin

Sole Resonance

Unfortunately we had come at the wrong time to be able to be able to get the full visual and sound of this experience. I didn't mind too much that we had missed the show because as a photographer I was happy enough being able to see what was on show like can be seen in the images below.

Aulnager: Measuring Perfection

This was another performance that we had missed in this area of how to find the perfect fit garments

The Studio

The images below are from

 The Hoop Coop

The last layer of the dress is being added

I found it hard to say no to the invitation to be creative and design art work on a paper plate to be included onto the dress above. The Inner child wanted to come out and play ..... like it sometimes does in us all!

A dress made out of pipe cleaners

Well me being me I just liked the way the pegs were arranged and wanted to take the image!

I was disappointing that the time had run away with us and there were still 3 places to visit which were The Waterman's, The Laundry and Lombard Coffee House. I had been planning a return visit to Chester to see the rest on the Friday but it wasn't to be. It was the day of the very deep snowfall when much came to a stand still. We had a great time thanks to all for the warm welcome we received in the areas that we did get to see.  

Information on the Event which is now closed and the artists see link below

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