Thursday, 13 October 2011

Talacra, Basingwerk Abbey and Flint castle 3.8.2011

Family days out take me to places that I have never been to before, they can also be kind of "reckies" for potential photo days to take Sue and Geraldine too. On this particular day a family member wanted to go to Abakhan and I wanted to go and take photos of Talacra lighthouse. Taking a kind of packed lunch, picnic has become a tradition with flasks filled up for our beverages. The Summertime brings endless hours of light so there is no rush to return. 
Having driven family members hear so many times before the route has been memorised, I of course always like to take the scenic route. I like to see and go under the bridge with the house on the top. We arrive at Abakhan and head our different ways, after a while they spot me reading the paper and enjoying a coffee. With not finding what they had come hear for we headed off for Talacra. We parked up and enjoyed our packed lunch then decided what we were going to do. Eventually we all headed up towards the beach in search of the lighthouse, just beyond the sand dune we spotted it hiding. To my disappointment and there surprise the tide was coming in, we just stood there looking and laughing. This was something that we had not expected to be confronted by, we well especially me had anticipated getting close to take photos. While they slowly ambled back  I stayed and took the opportunity to take a few snap shots.


Basingwerk   Abbey

(The information below has been taken from the BBC website for an accurate account.)

 Holywell, was the home of the Monks of the Cistercian Order for 400 years. Founded in 1132, the monks were the first to harness the power of water mills to grind corn and to treat the wool from their large flocks of sheep. The site, including the nearby mills, is now a heritage centre called Greenfield Valley Heritage Park.

                I didn't know about this place and was delighted by something new to explore.

This is by the parking area.

The locals said that this cygnet did use his leg but just liked to rest it there.

Flint  Castle

We traveled a little further, where they had promised to show me some where else.
After a drink we all followed the path to see where it would take us. This was an interesting way to see more of the area surrounding the Castle. The blue sky made it more special to take photos in, there is just something so uplifting to me to have those fluffy white clouds in shot.

By time we had made our way back to the car time had moved on so fast, so unfortunately I had ran out of time to go inside the castle grounds as they were locking the gates.The family members had admitted defeat by saying that they were tired and was time for them to return home.

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