Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Gresford Handbell Ringers Feb - March 2013 ( PT 1 0F 2 )

 Recently I was approached by a member of the Gresford Handbell Ringers to ask if I would be interested in photographing some formal and informal images for their website, which is  currently under construction by a website designer.

The first installment of images are from the W I late christmas meeting at Pentre Broughton near Wrexham, where the handbell ringers were invited to play. I wanted to produce some images of the different sizes of the bells and also accompany them with photos of bells being shown placed in the ringers hands.

Here I have taken some candid shots of the concert and the handbell members

                          Below is a collage I made for the bellringers of the evening event


The second set of images are a few informal shots of the handbell ringers at their practice meeting. I have also worked on more images to show the bells, this time some with vignette edges and effects to enhance the bells. I also wanted to try some with just isolating the bells and the music books. The array of images that I have produced will give them a choice to alternate their images on the website.



For more info

Please copy and paste the blue title below, once your Facebook account is open to find the link

                                          Gresford All Saints' Handbell Ringers

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