Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Friday - Paris to Home!

I was preparing  to pack ready for the journey home after breakfast, on passing reception we were then told that the time to vacate our rooms had been changed. This made me feel totally disorientated and rushed. This was due to the fact that I like time to do tasks in so I can think what I'm doing. Having not been in a hotel for a week before, the first day I felt that my space within the room had been invaded and due to this a murky feeling lay in there over the week. What I mean is that every A.M. I made the bed and had placed items in an almost compulsive orderly way. When I had arrived back they had been moved, something small I know but I'm prepared wherever I may go next.
                                  I was ready by the end of the week to be going back home, a few things were calling me back, The Welsh blood in my veins was longing to see mountains, and to be a part of the surrounding openness of space again. I had also missed Jessie my pet companion. Strangely we had only ever been parted before for a week when he was a kitten. Coffee was becoming a large craving and not forgetting what I'd call a fairly decent meal of a pizza. This I had promised myself as a Saturday treat the next evening.
                     The journey home was obviously the same but in reverse, traffic, bypasses,rest stops and the wonderful scenery. I had managed to sleep again on and off in between watching DVDs. We had arrived at Calais where we had to wait for the ferry to arrive, This time we were privileged to be on the newest ferry which had only been at sea for approx a month. On hearing this my mind took me on another journey of Titanic,  I wondered about the life boats if there were enough for us all, and if there were sharks in the sea. Lunch time was upon us and at last a menu that appealed to me, fish,chips and peas got my taste buds salivating.The experience of eating this on the boat made me feel quite nauseous. If you can try to imagine sitting on a motioning spin dryer moving sideways eating.Walking was like moving up hill,once I had bought what I wanted at the shop I then went on deck to feel a bit of normality. To my surprise our bus got stopped at Dover and we all had to get off! Panic and dread took over as the uncertainty of what was going to happen next unfolded. We all lined up like sheep while our passports were checked, to my relief everything was fine and we were allowed back on the bus.
         Eventually what seemed to feel like that I had been encapsulated in a warped time zone came to an end. Wrexham was just at the end of the bypass, surroundings and normality were merging together. We all piled off the coach, exchanged our thank yous and goodbyes.
                                    One of the main reason for the trip had been to be within an environment to be able to achieve street photography. This was extremely interesting as there were many situations that had arose which wouldn't, I feel, be an opportunity back in the U.K.  An example of this was locals outside playing chess and also the weather was another factor.

          ( Here below are a few examples of street photography, which are in a different category to that of what I have submitted in my assignment. By category I mean quality of detail, that I feel does not quite fit the brief we were given ).

                              This picture I do like but felt that there were better ones for me to submit.


This is too cluttered and confuses the eye.

                                      The background is too washed out in contrast to the foreground.

                                             This feels too invasive of their personal space !

This one has too many rear views and with hind sight the polce man with hamster cheeks  blowing a whistle would have been sufficient.

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