Monday, 4 April 2011

Stoke your fires ( March 2nd 2011 )

Displayed on the outside of the building

I hadn't anticipated the out come of the trip very well! 10.30am was screening of Award winners and I got as far as watching 3 or 4 of the films.
The first was
 Save  our  Bacon
 which was excellent, and funny  -  an insight into always read the small print message I thought!
I found very dark and made you think more about the human spirit of survival and the lengths that can be endured.
On the Water
MMM,  confusing!
I think not long after this one I couldn't contain my fidgeting and compulsion for movement any longer.
At this point I went around the museum and stimulated my brain while getting my motion fix. It was soo cool! There was a decades from the 50s to 90s area; a spitfire plane full size; an entire area of taxidermy animals and it was fascinating to see the mocked up living scenes and be close to something I have never seen before. A gold and archeology finds section, stones of Quartz etc, outside statues and cool interesting buildings.

                                                                      Long-eared Owl

                                                                Quartz Mineral Rock Sample

                                                    Statue of a worker stoking the pottery kilns

 By time I had explored this, due to not having a watch I felt hungry, so I returned to the cafe area and had lunch. The clock I found displayed the time as much later than I had expected. I had relaxed enough to be able to sit down again, I found that I had returned at the latter stage of the  "Skills  set  panel".
which took us to the end of our day with:

 Double  Negative
Gruff Owen talked about their latest project "PAUL" which I found really cool it showed how Paul was created and incorporated into the film.

All in all I enjoyed the day and saw lots of great things.

Outside the entrance of the museum

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