This day was a dream made into reality for NWMAT.
The converted mobile mining museum now helps the group with its aims of preserving our mining heritage.It is recording, educating and promoting mining related memories for future generations.
The group has been going around many schools in the area to give talks and answer questions.
This was also a proud day for myself as two of my photographic images are featured on the bus.They are the coloured images on the bus shown above and below.The head gear image is also used on their facebook title page.
Llay Band came and played to commemorate 79 years since the Gresford pit disaster
Keith Hett and his wife
These maps are also featured on the bus
This is the equipment that the rescue teams would have used
These shoes belong to Alan Jones - he used to were them as a child
some memorabilia inside the van
Some items that a member has hand painted mining images onto, which are for sale
Link below to find out more about N.W.M.A.T